
Return of Tyrannodanis Rex

The Words:

Haroon Danis
Pierre Marie
Tyrannosaurus rex!
Lazy eye

The Story:

Haroon Danis was a Tyrannosaurus Rex, however he fitted the standard description fairly loosely. You may be equipping your mind with a picture of a ferocious carnivorous beast like the ones depicted on Jurassic Park, but Haroon was a far cry from this. For a start Haroon was not interested in meat and lived off the Sassafras tree, which goes along way towards explaining his strangeness. The Sassafras tree acted as a form of narcotic to Haroon and as such permanently looked like he was smacked off his tits. The chemicals in the leaves caused a mucus filled lazy eye, as well as a high pitched tinnitus ring in his ears.

Haroon was deserted by his fellow Rexs’ in the way bizarre children get abandoned in the playground at school. He was a source of great ridicule and embarrassment to the other members of his species, but he did have one friend called Pierre Marie. Pierre was an Apatosaurus and as such was also refrained form eating meat too. Pierre was also a bit of a loner but found comfort in the knowledge that Haroon was a bigger dipshit than he was. They went though life in a bit of a daze until they got cornered by the gang of disgruntled Rexs’ that decided they need to restore their reputation once and for all.

The lengths they went to were quiet barbaric. First they made Haroon perform acts of felatio on Pierre while chants of “dick licker”, were cried out. The pair thought that once the gang had had their fun then they would be left alone, but this was not enough for them. The ultimate act was to come next. The Rexs’ got two large boulders that look like 2 large thumbs and inserted them slowly but forcibly into the rectums of both the dinosaurs. Slowly the boulders tore into the fabric of the dinosaurs innards. It took time but both dinosaurs died a slow and painful death. After 24 hours all that was left was a coagulated state of blood.


1 comment:

  1. After a year off, it could have been more disturbing.
