The Story:
The taxidermist was plumping up the duckbilled platypus to his former glory. It needed to be ready for tomorrows visit by Bono and Prince Philip.
The big day had arrived and the country estate was on full lockdown for the imminent arrival of the guests. One by one the celebrities started to roll in. After an hour or so Price Philip rocked up in his usual cantankerous mood. Whispers had started trying to predict how long it would be before he put his foot in it.
Another hour went by and then Bono came in full of his own self importance. He had come because this was a high profile charity event and he wanted to get his smarmy face on all the tabloids, promoting all the good he does.
Once inside the Prince Philip started proceedings by announcing the charity auction open. He made a few racist comments and then retreated to his seat. All started well and proceedings were going well, but then form above appeared something form another plane. At fist the guests thought it was an elaborate hoax, but quickly realised that this was no joke. What they saw before them was god. He had come down to sort out Bono once and for all. God picked up the stuffed platypus and hurled it towards Bono’s head. The bill of the platypus impacted into Bono’s skull which cracked into several pieces. Bono had been struck down by a higher force.
Prince Philip was outraged. Who did god think he was? It was his job to cause a commotion at public events. To him this was an injustice. Price Philip took the object that was being auctioned which happened to one of Tiger Woods golf clubs and threw this at god. This hit him with tremendous force and the god rest on the ground. Prince Philip had been labelled a deicide by the congregation and a full scale massacre proceeded. Ironically in the background U2’s “what a wonderful day” could be heard.
The Picture:
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