The Story:
Liverpool, the previous capital of culture has been the birthplace of many a celebrity. Pigmy Sidney had lived here all his life and was desperate to become famous. He had an unhealthy fascination of zygote vultures, some said he got a perverse sexual pleasure from them and it was the only thing that turned him on.
Recently he had got in the public eye by appearing on a number of TV shows. His first appearance was on Countdown where they made him a special stool because he was too small to be seen above the desk. He did not perform very well on the show because only asked for consonants and no vowels. It was on Britain’s Got Talent that he shot to fame as a lactating pygmy. He had the rare ability of producing milk that he could squirt into his mouth and then gargle the national anthem. This strangle freak like performance catapulted him to millions of peoples front rooms and guaranteed his fame. People although appalled at his rare talent could not get enough of it.
The Picture:
I think i went to school with this guy !!