
Has It Come To This?

The Words:

Grange Hill
Joseph Fritzl

The Story:

Few things in this world is as disturbing as Joseph Fritzl, but many things are strange. One of the strangest sights I’ve seen in recent times is singing baboons that inhales gas from balloons. It is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. You just can’t beat a bit of night fever from a group of high pitched baboons.

The video in question has become something of epidemic on youtube. But it is the aftermath video that is really disturbing. The baboons exposure to helium has caused a severe reaction. They start to fall off their stools and start to make rhythmic movements.

At first I thought it was a type of break dancing but it turned out to be a form of epileptic fit. It was not just one baboon that was affected but all of them. This was strangely eerie and not fun to watch anymore. The baboons were not looking healthy, and what started off to be a bit of fun was sadly harrowing to watch.

Has the world always been this warped? The strangest thing I remember watching on TV as a kid was Grange Hill. Society seems to have moved from funny to disturbing in an effort to keep us entertained. Have things gone too far?

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Did He Choke On Coke, Or Was It Just A Lump Of Coal?

The Words:

Arthur Scargill
Chastity Belt

The Story:

Arthur Scargill had taken over Haroon’s life. Haroon was not interested in his leadership of the Socialist Labour Party but instead is obsessed with the work he did in the 1980’s up to 2000 as the leader of the National Union of Mineworkers. Haroon had laminated paper cutting from throughout his rein as leader and arranged them carefully in lever arch folders in order of article date. He was insistent on instigating a reversal of decision, so that coal mines could be reopened.

Haroon abstained from sex by wearing a chastity belt. This is kept locked when in the presence of the female form. His mother kept the key for the belt which was removed when Haroon washed and needed the toilet. The rest of the time his mother insisted on it being locked so he could continue his work to get the mines reopened.

Although Haroon’s work was well received by his mother, this was not the majority view from society. Many people felt that Haroon was damaging Arthur’s good name by dragging up history. The local newspaper had picked up on his eccentricity and come up with a column to called the cock-knocker. This was to represent any strange and eccentric people within society. Each column then compared the strange person with the escapades of Haroon.

Unfortunately the exposure Haroon got led to his fall. A twisted individual who read the column had been doing his own research on how to kill Haroon. The individual who is still unknown broke into Haroons house dressed as a frogman so he would not leave any DNA. He then tied Haroon to a chair and force fed him coal until his victim had choked.

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The Story Of The Liverpudlian Lactating Pygmy

The Words:


The Story:

Liverpool, the previous capital of culture has been the birthplace of many a celebrity. Pigmy Sidney had lived here all his life and was desperate to become famous. He had an unhealthy fascination of zygote vultures, some said he got a perverse sexual pleasure from them and it was the only thing that turned him on.

Recently he had got in the public eye by appearing on a number of TV shows. His first appearance was on Countdown where they made him a special stool because he was too small to be seen above the desk. He did not perform very well on the show because only asked for consonants and no vowels. It was on Britain’s Got Talent that he shot to fame as a lactating pygmy. He had the rare ability of producing milk that he could squirt into his mouth and then gargle the national anthem. This strangle freak like performance catapulted him to millions of peoples front rooms and guaranteed his fame. People although appalled at his rare talent could not get enough of it.

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The Special Potion Prescribed To Pacify A Painful Pink Sock

The Words:

Special potion
Mother Teresa
Pink sock

The Story:

Poor Dan had been having a rough ride of it lately. Just two weeks ago he was diagnosed with a pink sock. A pink sock is a painful prolapse of anal tissue and puts haemorrhoids in the shade when it goes to pain and anal bleeding. Doctors had concocted a special potion to try and rectify this, but lets face it the NHS is not what it used to be. He gave it a shot but to be honest it did fuck all. It had got so bad that when Dan was walking it was making a squelching noise and the only way he could stop the pain was to put a femidom over the sock.

Dan was getting desperate. He had done some research on the interweb and decided although gross it was worth shot. What he had read was to medicate himself with a mixture of spittle and smegma. Too be honest I think some numpty had put this on the site for a laugh. Try as he might it was no use. This just lead to an infection which made his pink sock swell up to double the size. As well as bleeding it was also spewing out a yellow puss.
Dan went back to the doctors and the prognosis was not good. After blood tests it was clear that infection had had spread to his bloodstream and he had septicaemia. The told him his days were numbered.

He decided that he must go and see Mother Teresa to see if she could heal him, (This was before she died) She was in Rome at the time. He had no time to waste so he booked his flight and a pack of femidom to ease the pain on the flight.

The flight took off at 3pm and all was going well. However, half way though the flight the pain in his prolapsed was getting excruciating. Dan was in agony writhing around on the floor of the plane. What came next was unprecedented in air travel history. The pressure at high altitude had caused the prolapse to haemorrhage. The sight and smell of the blood and puss was nauseating. "It looked like afterbirth" one woman on the plane had said. Dan knew this was it. As he writhed on the floor the haemorrhage had caused him to bleed to death.

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Sunday Bloody Sunday

The Words:


The Story:

The taxidermist was plumping up the duckbilled platypus to his former glory. It needed to be ready for tomorrows visit by Bono and Prince Philip.

The big day had arrived and the country estate was on full lockdown for the imminent arrival of the guests. One by one the celebrities started to roll in. After an hour or so Price Philip rocked up in his usual cantankerous mood. Whispers had started trying to predict how long it would be before he put his foot in it.

Another hour went by and then Bono came in full of his own self importance. He had come because this was a high profile charity event and he wanted to get his smarmy face on all the tabloids, promoting all the good he does.

Once inside the Prince Philip started proceedings by announcing the charity auction open. He made a few racist comments and then retreated to his seat. All started well and proceedings were going well, but then form above appeared something form another plane. At fist the guests thought it was an elaborate hoax, but quickly realised that this was no joke. What they saw before them was god. He had come down to sort out Bono once and for all. God picked up the stuffed platypus and hurled it towards Bono’s head. The bill of the platypus impacted into Bono’s skull which cracked into several pieces. Bono had been struck down by a higher force.

Prince Philip was outraged. Who did god think he was? It was his job to cause a commotion at public events. To him this was an injustice. Price Philip took the object that was being auctioned which happened to one of Tiger Woods golf clubs and threw this at god. This hit him with tremendous force and the god rest on the ground. Prince Philip had been labelled a deicide by the congregation and a full scale massacre proceeded. Ironically in the background U2’s “what a wonderful day” could be heard.

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The Sad Demise Of A Bigamist Ventriloquist

The Words:

Richard Madeley

The Story:

Deep within the cavernous mountainous rage of mountains of Afghanistan, Barbarella could be found eating noodles from a ventriloquists dummies head. The dummy resembled daytime chat-show host Richard Madley. The dummies were made after Richard was found to be a bigamist. Richard had been having a secret affair Jimmy Krankie. Not only had Richard been having an affair but he was married to Jimmy.

When Richard was caught he knew his days were numbered. People had been tuning in to watch his show for years. People knew he was a bit of a simpleton, but this was something else. The public turned against him in their droves. People crowded round his house and when he made an appearance they grabbed him and put him on a medieval rack and pulled him limb from limb. When his limbs flew off the crowd cheered with delight. When he had he had finally been put out of his misery one spectator cut off his head with one fowl swoop of a meat cleaver and put his head on a spike and paraded it around London. It wasn’t until his head reached Tower Bridge that his head found a resting place. His head was left there for all to see for ever more.

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Post Colostomy Blues

The Words:

Colostomy Bag
Self - mutilation

The Story:

Since having a colostomy bag fitted Bob had lost all faith in the human race. It was time to get even. Taking a leaf from his TV hero, he started to wear a fez and saying “just like that”. He had it all planned out. The next person who came round to try and sell him something on the doorstep was in for a surprise. He stated by hiding DIY tools in the commode that he used to use before the bag was fitted.
Two weeks had passed and a life insurance sales man came by. Bob invited him in and the salesman got to work. Bob signed up for the insurance and just when the salesman was going to leave Bob flipped open the lid on his commode and produced a hacksaw. Bob shouted at the salesman and started hacking at his arm. Blood started to spurt from his artery and with a few more sharp motions his arm was severed. He announced it with a calm voice “just like that.” Bob then started to guzzle down his own blood from his severed arm and rubbing himself with a filleted monkfish. The salesman by this time had fled the house at the sight of the amputee. Bob did not stop here. He carried on with his self-mutilation with a hammer drill and the rest of the contents of the commode. Within five minutes Bob had collapsed to the floor in a pool of his own blood, his heart beating its last beat.
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The Sorry Tale Of The Dreadfully Constipated Lobster

The Words:


The Story:

Deep inside the rind of a Satsuma the fingers of xylophone keys were stood erect upon the white pith. The keys had become embedded by one of the enchanting band of wild lobsters. They played on the beach of the Cowcum nut long though the night. They could play all instruments know to man and some that are not. A disgruntled lobster used the keys of the xylophone to cure his constipation. He worked the keys into his rectal tunnel. He was trying to force the hardened faeces from within his intestinal tract. This was not working to his satisfaction so he banged the key with a brick he found washed up by the tide. Try as he made the blockage would not budge.
From beneath the murky water on the shore raised the most hideous creature of the sea. This was a manatee. This literally scared the shit out of the lobster, firing the keys at such velocity that they struck the Satsuma in a nearby tree.

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A Scientifically Fictional Dinner Dance

The Words:

JR Hartley

The Story:

J.R. Hartley was out potting for crabs. He rarely went out fly-fishing anymore, as his fly kept getting tangled up in overhead power cables that were suspended by pylons. He loved his new hobby and today was special because he was hosting a dinner party later and crab was on the menu.

He was hoping for a good haul today, as yesterday he only caught a quintuple of crabs. This would not be enough for the party tonight. Mr Hartley was in luck today the catch was hansom and he caught plenty of fat juicy crabs. To spice up the dinner party he had made it a fancy-dress only affair, with a sci-fi twist. Tonight he was going to dress up as an Ewok from Star Wars. He was absolutely hooked on the film and even owned his very own Ewok style tree house.

Time was pressing on and the guests had all arrived. There were klingons, aliens galore but what really saddened him was that there was no princess Leia. Mr Hartley served the food which was well received, but strangely he insisted that people left their costumes on, even those with headpiece, like Darth Vader opposite. Some of the guests simply could not eat the food properly due to his restriction. At first nothing was said but after the second course some of the disgruntled guests started to pipe up. Mr Hartley thought that the whole kerfuffle was hilarious and started to laugh at all his guests. Mr Hartley’s happiness was short lived though as the Cyberman next to him stabbed him with a fork in the back of the hand. He’d been hit pretty hard and the fork was in deep. He managed to yank out the blood covered steel and patched his hand. To ease the tension Mr Hartley allowed the guests to remove their head pieces for the desert.

After the meal Mr Hartley decided to get some dancing under way. The guests were thinking something slow such as a bit of Mozart. What he kicked of the party with was Mr.Bombastic by Shaggy. The guests soon left the party as this was not their scene, but JR was undeterred, he had had a great night, except for the incident with the fork.

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Charlotte 'Crazed Crack Pipe' Church

The Words

Genital herpes
Charlotte Church
The Story:

Charlotte Church had been described in many ways. Perhaps the most accurate description was a crazed crack-pipe. To help with her rehabilitation it may have been advised that she gets involved in one of the Ecominds projects. Although this may well have helped her, it would be unlikely to help other people on the project.

She contracted genital herpes while performing sexual acts on her grans stairlift, with the window cleaner. The infection led to blistering around her genital regions. When her other half found out what she had been doing he lost the plot. It was a complete blood bath. Police said it was brutal act and she had been cut into many pieces.
She may have been an annoying tart, but did she deserve that?

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Bergerac And The Case Of The Incestuous Kitten

The Words:

whoopee cushion

The Story:

Bergerac was on the Isle of White to investigate the phenomenon of incestuous kittens. This litter of started copulating with each other moments after they were out of the womb. This trip however was about to get stranger.

It turned out that the whole kitten debacle was just a sick trick to lure Bergerac to the scene. Bergerac had crossed the hotel owner years earlier and now it was time to get even. While Bergerac was sleeping the hotel patron snuck into his room and beat Bergerac with a stap-on infected by syphilis. He was beaten so hard that Bergerac’s skull was split. He made a last gasp of air and he was dead.

Bergerac was discovered the next day by a cleaner. When giving evidence to the police she described him looking gargoyle like. She also said that the gas build up in his body had stating to escape and a noise not dissimilar to a whoopee cushion could be heard.
The patron was convicted, but nobody ever found out why he used a strap-on covered in syphilis.

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The Strange Case Of Gary Glitters Kaleidoscopic Chlamydia Ridden Aardvark

The Words:

Toby Anstis

The Story:

Toby Anstis has had a resurrection to his career since recovering in hospital. Toby was in hospital since Gary Glitter savaged him with a Kaleidoscope. Toby was trying to get a lap-dance for Otis’ (the aardvark) birthday, but Gary took exception, shouting that Otis had Chlamydia and could pass it onto an exotic dancer.

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Ping Pong The Korean Human King Kong

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The Story:

Koreans are not known for their height, but some suffer from gigantism. One such example was Ping Pong. Many think that he was born two stone in weight but this is totally false. Up until adolescence he looked like all the other kids in Korea and such a disease would not have been able to be detected in his foetus. However Ping Pong developed an overproduction in growth hormone form his pituitary gland when he was fifteen and he kept growing and growing.

What set Ping aside from other suffers from the disease was his thripple. To you and me this may be considered a tragic state of natural selection, but for ping it was a way to become famous. He marketed himself on the internet and got himself into the record books. To a select female clientele Ping was a sumptuous specimen of a man. Ping started seeing a string of bested female friends. It wasn’t until he contracted gonorrhoea and started oozing with discharge from his member that he thought he should restrain his activities for a while.

He was right to be afraid of the gonorrhoea, for this was no normal strand of the bacteria. Much like himself this strain had mutated. The mutation started by chomping his scrotal sack exposing his dangly testis. This was only the start, the flesh eating infection worked its way into his nervous system devouring his spinal cord, causing his skeleton to collapse. Poor Ping was no more.

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