Suicide bomber
Vanilla slice
Wacko Jacko
The Story:
We all know that Wacko Jacko is dead, but did you really believe that the legend died in such a mundane way. The truth has been hushed up to spare further grief on his family. For those of you want to believe that he was heavily sedated and taken to a hospital in LA to try and revive him surrounded by dialysis machines and electric shock paddles stop reading now.
We all know that Wacko was suffering from lack of finances towards the end and he had to sell his circus world of Neverland for an undisclosed amount of wonga to carry on. Rather than staying in America and facing the press he got a Look-a-like to pose as him while he headed out to Sudan.
Once Jacko arrived he tried to keep a low profile by staying in a hovel away from the masses. He had horded food from America which he used to tempt children in. The items of food he had the greatest success with were vanilla slices, plums and Crusty the Clown cakes, although he had many other items that children loved to get their teeth into. He did this over a number of weeks to pray on their sense of loyalty so he could action his master plan. His plan was to take out Mr Okeey. Mr Okeey had stalked him many years before and had written wacko many threatening letters, all of which contained dead wasp.
Jacko knew Mr Okeey resided in a mansion the other side of town and he was here to take him down. He gathered all the children together one of which was still teething and needed to be enticed with a Rusk. Next he strapped explosives to the children’s’ bodies and strangely to his knackers. He fed the small children into the grounds of the mansion and got them to surround the building while he went to the gate and rang the intercom. Mr Okeey answered and Jacko pressed the trigger on the detonator which was connected to the explosives on himself and the children. This caused an almighty explosion which pebble dashed the area with flesh and blood and destroyed the mansion and Mr Okee.
The Jackson family did not want the sordid truth coming out about Jacko being a suicide bomber, so they made up the story about Jacko dying at home.
The Picture:
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